Performance: Teambuilding |
Successful organizations are increasingly moving
toward team-based approaches to solve technical
and organizational challenges. Oftentimes with
new ways of solving problems, other problems emerge
. . . in the case of using teams to tackle the
tough organizational challenges, new challenges
develop from the interaction of team members,
especially in multi-discipline and matrixed teams.
Teambuilding can help the cause. Looking at a
sports metaphor – any team, be it baseball,
football, basketball, or hockey, has members that
are highly interdependent, that is, every team
member is dependent upon every other team member
to interact, as planned, practiced, and agreed,
to make the plays and to give their best effort
to win the game. There’s a strong level
of trust. In organizations the interdependence
is just as real, with social skills often substituted
for physical and coordination skills. Planning
and executing are the same for both.
Then why are so many team projects determined
by their executives to be . . ."not successful?"
"Lack of teamwork" many executives say.
Why is that? Perhaps the teams were asked to ‘team’
and deliver a team product without any practice
sessions on how to interact as a team.
The term "team building" has perhaps
become an overused buzzword in recent years, and
has many connotations. In terms of corporate development,
team-building exercises and initiatives could
be important, not only for the immediate experience
of the activities performed by the team, but also
for the group skills, communication and bonding
that result.
Team-building development efforts provide realistic
experiences that empower individuals to contribute
to common goals. The success of most organizations
depends on the ability of individuals to build
effective teams, while the main goals of team-building
are to improve productivity, motivation, and trust
among team members.
Occasionally taking employees out of the workplace
helps groups break down political and personal
barriers, eliminate distractions, and have fun.
The benefits of team-building programs are so
significant that many corporations have incorporated
teambuilding strategies into their standard training
curriculum. Most benefits are contained within
the following five improvement areas:
- Facilitating change and transition with groups
and organizational teams
- Coaching employees to work more effectively
together between and among individuals, groups,
and departments
- Improving the ability of individuals to perform
their roles more effectively with individual
employees, managers, and executives at all levels
- Recognizing and overcoming barriers in communication
and workflow
- Identifying, addressing and resolving conflict
between and among
individuals, groups and departments
At the WorkPlace Cornerstone Group, we believe
that teambuilding is an essential ingredient of
an organization’s success . . . we have
focused experience in teambuilding in small and
large groups, and stand ready to structure and
facilitate your organization’s teambuilding
efforts. |